The Airsoft Arena Beta 2.81


The Airsoft Arena Beta 2.81

Updated 9/3/2024 (see more)

Originally published: 1/10/2024

Airsoft Arena is out. As this game is still in beta, I'm looking for suggestions, feedback, and comments. It is still a growing game, but with some player support it will get better.

New Maps Coming Soon!

Update: Aim Down Sights

WASD to Move
Left Click to interact
Right Click to Aim
Ctrl to Crouch
Shift to Sprint
R Key to Reload
E Key to Open Buy Menu
Space to Jump

How to Play:
Click one of the words on the Buy Menu to spawn in a weapon.
Spawn an Airsoft Gun to play
Walking into the enemy base will result in a point for the other team and respawning

How to Play: TDM
Get kills to get points
Game lasts for 5 minutes
Highest score at the end of the 5 minutes is the winner

Coming Soon!

How to Play: Conquest
Step into a ring to capture it
Each ring is worth one point per second
First to 300 wins


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I'm a Blocksmith creator who wants to bring the most realistic and fun Blocksmith games on the platform. My main goal is to create the best FPS game on Blocksmith.

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